Building Community Through Service



It all begins by finding a local lions club in your area! Be a part of something bigger! The Williams Lions Club has several community initiatives. We work with the local Senior Center to assist with funding for meals and volunteers as needed. We work with local schools during the holidays to determine families in need of some Christmas cheer through a Toys for Tots drive. We provide vision screenings in the community to assist with promoting eye health and providing glasses to those in need.

Find Your Passion!

Once member, find your passion for volunteering. Do you have a project that might benefit your community? Do you have a fundraising idea that can help your club achieve service initiates? If so, bring it to the table! Your fellow Lions will be more than happy to listen to your ideas! Join! Find your Passion!


Finding your passion for community service is the midway point! Igniting your passion brings it full circle! Work within an organization that helps to link your desire to help with needs in the community. For more information about the local Williams Lions Club follow the link: https//